Monday, February 6, 2012

May I Have A Word With You?: Decorum

By Debbie Watts (Word Woman)

WORDABULOUS, Tenn. -- As a word lover, there is no better learning arena for me than in my eighth grade language arts classroom. They teach me much more about vocabulary than I teach them. . . I think. This past week, our vocabulary list featured the word, decorum. Without using the dictionary, I challenged the class to write a sentence reflecting what they thought the word meant. Amazingly, many in the class used the word in relation to interior decorating. They were confusing the word, decorum, with the word, décor. I used the situation as the opportunity to teach them that their personal decorum, i.e. their conduct and manners “dressed” them in the eyes of the world, much like the décor of a room dresses it for the eye of the beholder. It’s true that we are “dressed” in our decorum, our conduct and manners, whether good or bad. May your decorum be a positive indicator to all that you are a positive and honest human being, and may you always “decor”-ate your decorum with positive words!

Wordabulously yours,

Debbie Watts

* Write Word Woman at Learn more about her book, "Wordabulous", at .